The Battle of Badr: A Divine Triumph and the Early Struggles of Islam

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In the second year of Hijrah, the Battle of Badr happened. This battle is also called Battle of Badr-e-Kabri and the Battle of Badr-e-Uzmi. Badr is the name of a famous town, and it is attributed to Badr bin Mukhlid bin Nazr bin Kanana. He camped at this place. This settlement is attributed to Badr bin Harith who dug a well here and some say that an old man named Badr lived there for a long time. On this basis, this town was named after him. Or its name is based on it.

Its area was wide and its water was so clear and transparent that Badr looked perfect in it. This was a very great battle among all the battles of the Holy Prophet because through it the honor and glory of the religion was illuminated and the honor of Islam shone. He said on the Day of Allah, the Muslims and the infidels gathered on that day, and on that day, the Almighty God prevailed over Islam and the Muslims and humiliated them by defeating the foundations of disbelief. Although the number of Muslims was few the number of enemies of the religion was more, and the infidels came armed with all the equipment of war and arrogance, but the Most High honored the scholars through His Messenger and strengthened His religion. He made the face of his majesty shine and humiliated the devils, and showing his favor to his Muslim servants, he said, “We have helped you.

Indeed, Allah helped you in spring and now you are destitute so you know that the help is from God and not because of abundance or scarcity. It is from Allah.

The beginning of the story

At the beginning of Ramadan, the Prophet received the news that Abu Sufyan Quraysh’s caravan

Bringing trade back to Mecca from Syria full of goods. He gathered the Muslims and informed them about it and said,

This is a trade caravan of the Quraysh, which is full of goods and resources. You should go out to it and it is no wonder that the truth is burning.”

And the signs are that he has given the caravan as booty.

Since there was no illusion of war and fighting and killing, Abu Sufyan, who went out without any war preparation and organization, had this fear. To inquire about your situation and news.

He received news from some travelers that Muhammad had ordered his companions to leave for your caravan. At the same time, Abu Sufyan sent Mamzam Ghaffari to Makkah. It was sent to inform the Quraysh that they should get news of their caravan as soon as possible and try to save their capital. Muhammad (Museh) took his companions and confronted the caravan that had left.

Ka’b bin Malik Ali Allah says.

I did not disobey the Messenger of Allah in the battle of Ghazaha except in the battle of Tabuk. But the Messenger of God came out on the day of the Quraysh until the gathering Allah is between them and we are against them:


I was not left behind in any battle in which I was accompanied by the Messenger of Allah. We only went out with the intention of the Quraysh caravan as per the agreement, without any intention Allah filled the Muslims with their enemies.

On the 12th of Ramadan, the Prophet left Madinah with 313 or 14 people. It was the knowledge of Besar Samani that there were only two horses and seventy camels in such a group, one horse belonged to Hazrat Zubair bin Awam one belonged to Hazrat Muqdad, and one camel was among two, two, and three men. Abdullah bin Masoud Ali Allah says that when going to Badr, one camel was shared by three men. Abulba Yeh and Ali Ali Na were partners in the work of Rasoolullah. When it came to the Messenger of Allah’s turn for us to walk on foot, Abu al-Baba and Ali used to say, O Messenger of Allah, let us ride, and we will walk on foot for you in return. Not stronger than and than you, I am not without God’s reward.

After visiting Hirabi, which is one mile from Madinah, he inspected the congregation. Those who were young were returned to Ruha by Abul Baba bin Abd al-Mand Tarkumad Bina.

There were three knowledges in this army, one in the hands of Hazrat Ali Karamullah Rabiyyah and the other.

Musab bin Umayr was also in the hands of Allah and the third one was in the hands of an Ansari. When they reached the location of Safra, two of their companions Bisbus bin Amr and Adi bin. Dar Adi bin Abi was sent forward to search for Abu Sufyan’s caravan and on the other hand, Muzam Ghaffari took Abu Sufyan’s message and left for Makkah. On reaching Makkah, Zamzam cut off the nose and ears of his camel. Kajawa had turned over and torn his shirt. He is on his camel in this bebat kazai

The rider was calling like this.

O group of Quraysh! Caravan trade! Caravan trade! Your wealth is with Abu Sufyan. Muhammad and his companions have become a hindrance to him. I don’t think you will save him. Cry cry!

Hearing this news, the Quraysh said, “Do Muhammad and his companions think that this caravan will also be like Umar and Ibn Khuzri?” Not at all. By Allah, they will know that it is not so. So Quraysh left quickly. Also, upon the arrival of this news, the whole of Makkah was shaken, because no man or woman in the Quraysh contributed all their money and capital to it, so upon hearing this news, Excitement spread throughout Makkah and thousands of men came out full of equipment, Abu Jahl Sardar Lashkar Thane

The Quraish left with a lot of crofters and luxury goods, taking with them women who played songs, drums, and matches. Allah Almighty

says that:

And don’t be like those who came out of their homes to kill people, O Muslims! Do not become like the unbelievers who stay in their homes.

They have come out showing their power and strength.

Almost all the Quraysh leaders joined the army, only Abul Lahab did not go for some reason

He could and sent Abu Jahl’s brother As bin Hisham instead.

Bin Hisham was responsible for Abu Lahab’s debt of four thousand dirhams and due to being bankrupt, he could not afford to pay it, so under the pressure of debt, he accepted to go to war instead of Abu Lahab, and the same way Umayyah bin Khalaf na Khalaf. Go to Badr first

refused but agreed with Abu Jahl’s coercion and insistence.

The reason for Umayyad’s refusal was that Saad bin Mu’adh Ansari Ali was a friend of Umayyad from Jahiliyyah. When Umayyad went to Syria for trade, he used to stop at Madinah on the way to Sa’d bin Mu’ad al, and Sa’d bin Mu’az has said that when he went to Makkah, he used to stop at Umayya’s place.

After his migration to Madinah, Saad bin Mu’ad BA came to Makkah to perform Umrah and stayed with Umayyah according to the custom and said to Umayyah that to perform Tawaf, let me go at a time when the Haram is empty of people. At two o’clock in the afternoon, Sa’d bin Mu’adh was going out with a crowbar, and Abu Jahl came from the front and said, “O Abu Safwan (this was Umayya’s surname) who is this person with you?” Umayya said, “It is Sa’d.” He said, “I see that this person is performing tawaf with satisfaction.” You do not allow such ungrateful people and help them. O Saad! By God, if Abu Safwan i.e. Umayyah had not been with you, you would not have been able to return from here safe and sound. Saad Ali Allah said in a loud voice, “If you stop me from circumambulating, I swear by God, swim from Madinah to Syria.” I will close. Umayyah said to Saad, do not raise your voice against Abul Hakim (i.e. Abu Jahl), he is the chief of this valley. That Abu Jahl will be killed by Nawaz at the hands of his associates and friends.

Amiya said

As for whether I will be killed in Makkah, Saad said, “I don’t know where or where else you will be killed.” Hearing this, Karamiyyah became very frightened and went and mentioned it to his wife Umm Safwan. I believe that Umayyah said, “Wallah ma yakuza Muhammad Fikad in Khabar”, by God, even Muhammad did not say wrong, and it was close that Umayyah’s urination and defecation were wrong due to fear and panic. Umayyah was overcome with fear to such an extent that she made up her mind never to leave Makkah. So when Abu Jahl asked the people to leave for Badr, Umayyah was very reluctant to leave Makkah, he was afraid for his life, Abu Jahl came to Umayyah and insisted on walking when Abu Jahl saw this When Umayyah was not ready to go, he said that you are the leader, if you don’t come out, I will see you and the people will not come out either, so Abu Jahl kept holding on to Umayyah and kept insisting, finally he said that his Abu Safwan! I will buy a very good and swift horse for you so that wherever you feel danger, you can immediately sit on it and come back.” The wife said, O Abu Safwan! You don’t remember the words of your elder brother, Umayya said that I intended to go for a while and then I will come back, so Umayya left with the same intention and tied his camel to the destination where he got down, but fate and destiny Not given a chance to escape, he reached Badr and was killed by the Companions in the battlefield. The reason is that Umayya was sure of his murder. By force of Abu Jahl

Abu Jahl himself was destroyed and destroyed others too.

Sahaba and Adi did the work of Puri.

When he reached Safraa, the place where he met, Masari and Arabi came and informed him about Quraysh’s departure. At that time, he gathered the emigrants and the Ansar for advice and informed them of the glorious departure of the Quraish. Hazrat Abu Bakr On hearing it, he immediately stood up and expressed himself with great beauty and accepted your gesture with his eyes and eyes and bowed down to obey with all his heart and soul. After that Umar stood up and he also expressed himself with great beauty

He counted.

Hazrat Qawat bin Aswad also gave a very excellent speech, the meaning of which is: O Messenger of Allah, what Allah has commanded you to do is welcome. Do it, we are all with you, by God, we will never say like the Bani Israel, “O Musa Attam and your Lord, go and fight, we are sitting here, we are against the Bani Israel.” They will say that less than you and the Lord of work should fight and fight

They will fight with you.”

From the tradition of Muhammad Ibn Ishaq, it is known that Hazrat Muqdad gave this speech in Maqam Safra, and from the tradition of Sahih Bukhari and Nasa’i, it is known that he gave this speech on the day of Badr, but there are no contradictions in both the traditions. First, Hazrat Muqdad gave this speech in response to you in Safra and after that, he had pleasure in different places. So he kept repeating these heartfelt words again and again. And Allah knows best. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Masoud Ali Allah says: I saw Ibn Waqt that the Messenger of Allah

Anwar Farat Masrat’s face shined from Allah. It is in the tradition of Ibn Ishaq that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) prayed for Muqdad saying that it is not you that the year belongs to Allah. Qat Abu Ayyub Ansari says that we were in Madinah when the Messenger of Allah informed us of the caravan of Abi Sufyan and said that if you go out to him, it is no wonder that Allah May Allah bless you. We said, “It is better” and left. When we had traveled for a couple of days, he informed us of the departure of Quraysh from Makkah and told us to prepare for jihad. Some people did some Tamil (because they had not left the house with this intention). I wish we all said the same thing as Moqdad said. That is, I wish we all said the same in the beginning because later then everyone did the same, what Hazrat Muqdad was saying was in everyone’s hearts.

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