The Transformation of Umar ibn Al-Khattab: From Islam’s Fiercest Opponent to Its Strongest Defender

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It was the twenty-seventh year of Hazrat Umar that the Sun of Prophethood dawned, that is, the Messenger of Allah was sent. The voice of Tawheed was not unknown in Hazrat Umar’s family because of Zaid, so Zaid’s son Saeed first embraced Islam, Hazrat Saeed’s marriage. Hazrat Umar’s sister Fatima, from this relationship Fatima also became a Muslim, another honorable person in the same family, Naeem bin Abdullah, also accepted Islam, but Hazrat Umar was still alien to Islam in his ears when this Sada Pechi was furious, even those in the tribe who had converted to Islam, became their enemies. When they were leaving, they would say, “I will kill you, then I will kill you”. Similarly, Hazrat Zira was a member of Hazrat Umar’s family and because of this she used to persecute Hazrat Imran openly. When her cousin Saeed bin Zayd converted to Islam, Hazrat Umar

They tied him up with ropes, but the intoxication of Islam was such that whoever got into it could not get off. Since Abu Jahl and Hazrat Umar were the most active in the enmity of Islam and the Holy Prophet among the leaders of the Quraysh, when the other tactics did not succeed against them, the Holy Prophet used this most effective tactic against them. I used whose blows could not be stopped.

That is why the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) specifically prayed for Islam for both of them:

O Allah, the Greatest of the Most High, Uma Ibn Hisham and Umar b

Al-Khattab (O God, honor Islam with Abu Jahl or Umar bin Al-Khattab), but this wealth was written in the fate of Hazrat Umar by Qassam Azal, how will it come to Abu Jahl’s share? The effect of this supplication was that after a few days, the greatest enemy of Islam became its greatest friend and greatest martyr, i.e.

Hadhrat Umar’s foot was filled with wealth and faith, that is the grace of Allah, I will grant him.” There is a difference in the details of Hazrat Umar in the books of Tarikh and Wasir in Islam. Despite his strictness, he could not turn even a single person away from Islam, so finally, he was forced (Nu’uz Allah) to kill Hazrat Mulla himself, and with his sword on his waist, he went straight toward the Messenger of Allah, on the way. By chance, Naeem bin Abdullah met him and asked: Is that okay? He said: I am going to decide on Muhammad (PBUH). He immediately turned around and reached his sister, she was reciting the Qur’an, she became silent after hearing the words of the Qur’an, but the voice had reached her ears, and asked her what kind of voice it was Nay, he said: “I have heard that you two have apostatized, saying that you quarreled with your brother-in-law, and when his sister came to save you, you also took notice of him until his body bled. It became weak, but they did not have any effect on the love of Islam.

The words had a special effect on the heart of Hazrat Umar, he looked at his sister with loving eyes, and blood was flowing from her body, he felt even more sad when he saw her, and he said: Tell me what you were reading, Fatimah said. The components of the Qur’an were placed in front, picked up

It was this Surah:

All that is in the heavens and the earth sings the praises of God, He is the Mighty and the Mighty.

is wise)

His heart became enthralled with each word until he came to this verse:

Aminwa bi-Allah wa Rasool (Believe in God and His Messenger)

So helplessly cried out:

I testified that there is no god but Allah and I testified that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. This was the time when the house of Rasoolullah A-Arqam, which was located under Mount Safa

Hadrat Umar reached Astana Mubarak and knocked because the swords were unsheathed, the Companions were far away, but Hazrat Hamza said: “Let him come, if he has come sincerely, it is better, otherwise, behead him with his sword.” I will grant, Hazrat Umar stepped inside, then Rasoolullah Ali himself stepped forward and took hold of his skirt and said: “Why did Umar come with one intention?” The glorious voice of Prophethood made him tremble, and he humbly said: To believe, Hazrat Mulla spontaneously chanted “Allahu Akbar”.

He struck so hard that all the hills went down. The same tradition was narrated by Hazrat Anas with a slight variation, the only difference between the two is that in the first verse of Surah Hadid, the verse سبحَ لٍلَّهِ مَفِيّ السَّمَاِتِ

And the earth is. In the second, there is this verse of Surah Tala:

I am Allah, there is no god but I, so worship Me and pray for remembrance.

When he reached this verse, he called out “La ilaha illa Allah” and requested to be present at Dar Al-Aqdas.

A hadith in Musnad Ahmad is narrated by Hazrat Umar himself, Hazrat Umar says that one night the Prophet went out to steal money, entered Masjid Haram beyond him, and started praying, in which he recited Surah Al-Haqqa. He said I was surprised by the structure and style of the Qur’an. I said in my heart, as the Quraysh used to say, “By God, this is a poet.”

The verse read:

إِنَّهُ لَقُولٍ رَسُوٍ ٍ كَرِيمٍ وَمَهُوَ بِقْلٍ شَعِرٍ Qalilً Ma Tuminoon (B) is the word of a great messenger and it is the word of a poet

No, you have very little faith.)

I said: This is the soothsayer, my heart has been known, only after this

The verse read:

وَلَا بقولِ كاحينٍ قليلِّمَ تَضَكَّرُونَ, تنزيلٌ مِنْ رَّبِّ الْعلمينَ

Not even the words of the hun, you catch very little advice, these are of the worlds

sent down from God)

He (peace be upon him) recited this surah till the end and after listening to it, I accepted Islam

I was completely at home in my heart. Since he was consistent and determined, he did not declare Islam Rather, he may have stopped this influence, but after that, when his sister’s incident happened and he looked at the Quranic verses in which there is a very effective call for Tawheed, he could not control his heart and the word Tawheed was called without authority and in the Holy of Holies. Requested to attend. Hazrat Aslam says that Hazrat Umar said to us: Do you people want me to tell the story of the beginning of Islam? We said: Yes, of course. He said: I was among the great enemies of the Holy Prophet. The Holy Prophet was staying in a house near Safa Hill. Holding my neck, he said: O son of Khattab! become a Muslim and at the same time prayed that O Allah guide him, I immediately said:

The Messenger of God said: As soon as I brought Islam, the Muslims said Takbeer with such a loud voice.

That which was heard in all the streets of Makkah.

A new era in the history of Islam began with the conversion of Hazrat Umar to Islam

It happened, that at that time forty or more people had entered the circle of Islam, but they were in a state of great helplessness and compulsion, not only to perform religious duties but also to show oneself as a Muslim was not without danger. Praying in the Kaaba was completely impossible. The situation changed after Hazrat Umar brought Islam. They were very angry, but As bin Wail, who was Hazrat Umar’s maternal uncle, took them under his protection. Hazrat Umar used to see the oppression of Muslims with his own eyes before the popularization of Islam. After enjoying the blessing of Islam, he supported As bin Wail.

were safe from its consequences with the help of, so they refused to accept refuge and continued to face the idolaters with equal steadfastness and steadfastness, even going to the same place as the Muslim community and offering prayers in the Kaaba. This was the first time that the truth stood up against falsehood and Hazrat Umar was rewarded with this reward from the court of Prophethood Farooq was nicknamed Mercy.

Hazrat Umar had brought Islam to Nabavi and migrated in 13 Nabavi, in this way he endured the atrocities of Quraysh for about 6-7 years after bringing Islam, when Muslims were allowed to migrate to Madinah, Hazrat Umar also

Ready for this trip.

The emigrants had to face strong resistance from Quraysh Makkah, Hazrat Umar Farooq states that Hazrat Ayash bin Rabi’ah and Hazrat Hisham Sahabi were also with them.

Hadrat Ayyash was ready to go to Madinah, Hazrat Ayyash reached the appointed place at the time of departure, but the infidels got the news about Hisham, he was imprisoned by Quraish. Arriving, Ayyash was his half-brother and the three had one mother, Abu Jahl and Harith said: “After you, the mother’s condition is getting worse, she has sworn that I will not cut my head until I see Ayyash’s face.” I will not sit in the shade, so brother, you should go and comfort your mother. Umar Farooq said: “Ayash, you are close, I feel poor. If something falls on your mother’s head, she will do everything herself. And if the sun of Makkah gets the news, it will sit in the shade by itself. My opinion is that you should not go. Ayash said: No, I will fulfill my mother’s oath and come back. Hazrat Umar Farooq said: Well, if that’s the opinion, take my nose for a ride, it’s too fast, On the way, if you were suspicious of them even a little bit, you easily sold this nikah from their grasp and went to Asko. Brother, our camel kept walking with Naqah, you should take me with you, Ayyash said: It is better, when Ayyash sat Naqah, both of them caught hold of them, tied the muskets and took them to Makkah in the same way. They both proudly said that fools and fools are entertained in the same way. Now Ayash was also imprisoned with Hisham. When Nabi Allah reached Madinah, then Huzur Pili’s wish was fulfilled. Waleed bin Mughira came to Makkah to do this

And they took both of them out of the prison overnight.

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