The Silent Supporters: Early Embracers of Islam – Hazrat Abbas, Bilal, and Jafar’s Journey to Faith

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Acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib

Hazrat Abbas, may God willing, but there was not much age difference. Hazrat Abbas was probably born two or three years before him.

Hazrat Abbas was given the Khilaat of Prophethood and when Allah raised the voice of public call to Tawheed in Makkah, Hazrat Abbas pledged allegiance for some time.

He did not raise his hand, but he was a supporter of this movement from the heart.

Hazrat Abbas stayed in Makkah for a long time and did not openly enter the circle of Islam he wore it on an expediency. Also, in this land of disbelief, the eyes of Islam were lonely for them. This is the reason why when Hazrat Abbas asked permission to migrate from the Messenger of Allah, he refused and said that It is better to stay in Makkah, God has finished prophethood on me like that

will end migration on you.

Some time before the conquest of Makkah, Hazrat Abbas received permission to migrate, so he came to the service of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ with his family and publicly pledged allegiance.

He settled in Madinah.

Acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Bilal bin Rabah

Hazrat Bilal was a slave of Abyssinian origin, but he was born in Makkah. In terms of his appearance, he was a black Abyssinian, but his heart was transparent. Pride was stumbling upon misguidance and misguidance in honor and dignity, among the few elders who had said the truth, only seven men could declare it, including them.

One of these slaves was also an Abyssinian.

The weak is always the center of the most oppression and persecution, in terms of the personal condition of Hazrat Bilal, he was even more victimized by this honorable attack, his independence and steadfastness from multiple sufferings and all kinds of atrocities. They were tested on hot sand, burning pebbles, and burning coals, the boys of polytheists put ropes around Mubarak’s throats and made children play with them, but despite all these soul-crushing and life-consuming trials, the rope of monotheism was not shortened by a steady hand. Abu Jahl would lay them face down on the stones and put a stone mill on top of them and when the sun was shining, he would say: “Bilal! Even now, turn away from the God of Muhammad, but

Even at that time, this same Ahad Ahmed was unlucky from Dahan Mubarak.

Umayyah bin Khalaf was the most prominent among the polytheist polytheists, his innovations had invented new methods of oppression, and he used them in various ways. He used to inflict tortures, sometimes beating him with cow skins, wearing iron armor and sitting in the scorching sun and saying: “Your thoughts and praises, but from the tongue of this monotheistic monotheism, no other words came out except Uhud Uhud.” The polytheists used to say that you Repeat our own words.

So he used to say that my language cannot play them well. Even if the breath comes out, Bilal used to say, it will come out of my mouth. One day Hazrat Bilal was being tortured as usual in Wadi Batha, when Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq passed by this side, he was filled with heart after seeing this terrible scene and freed by paying a priceless sum of money. So he said: Abu Bakr Uttam, make me a partner in this.

Acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Jafar Tayyar

Hazrat Jafar was the cousin of Hazrat Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam and half-brother of Hazrat Ali, and Umar

I was about ten years older than him.

One day, while Hazrat Ali was engaged in worship with Hazrat Ali, Abu Talib, the leader of the Hashim family, saw two of his loved ones in Bargah Safrit, and his heart was deeply moved. He looked at his son Hazrat Jafar and said: Also stand by the side of your cousin, Hazrat Jafar stood on the left and prayed, he enjoyed worshiping God forever so much that he soon

Before he took refuge in the house of Hazrat Mulla Zayd bin Arqam, he entered his worshipers forever, by that time thirty-one and thirty-two men had this blessing.

Musharraf was from

Hazrat Jafar and his wife Hazrat Asma bint Umays joined this caravan of Nikhat wa Noor, as a result of which this Hashemite young man and his teenage wife suffered all the hardships and hardships at the hands of the Quraish that the early Muslims faced. He was brought up, he show patience and forbearance in every torture, because he knew very well that to reach Paradise, he had to cross barren valleys and difficult gorges, ultimately from the tortures of the polytheists. Fed up, when the Muslim party took the path of Jaish, Hazrat Jafar also joined him, but the Quraysh wanted to take China here as well.

A delegation came from Makkah with valuable gifts to the court of Nah Daya Najashi and he persuaded the court priests to support him and requested Najashi that some of the ignorant youth of our nation turn away from their native religion and join the rule of the Holy Prophet. They have come, they have invented a strange religion that no one knew before, we have been sent by their elders and relatives to return these people with us, the courtiers also with high harmony. Bajashi supported this demand by calling the Muslims and asking them what the new religion people had adopted

Abandoned family religion?

Muslims chose Hazrat Jafar on their behalf to talk to Najashi

What, he spoke like this:

Peace be upon the king! Our nation was very ignorant, we worshiped idols, and the dead man himself sent a person from our group as a messenger to us, we were well aware of his nobility, righteousness, honesty, and purity, he made us shirk. He forbade idolatry and called for monotheism, taught us the lesson of righteousness, trustworthiness, and love for neighbors and relatives, and told us not to tell lies, not to shed blood in the world for no reason, by wickedness and deceit. Refrain, do not eat the wealth of orphans, do not disgrace noble women, abandon idolatry, and believe in one God.

They used to eat, commit evil deeds, and persecute their relatives and neighbors, the powerful used to eat the weak, so we were in this misery that God

Let us pray, fast, give Zakat, believe in him, and follow his teachings, we stop worshiping idols, and worship only one God. , and consider halal as halal and haram as haram, and because of this our nation has become the enemy of our lives, he did all kinds of oppression and violence and made us worship idols and

Even if we wanted to indulge in the evil deeds of ignorance

Fed up with persecution, they came to your government.

Najashi said: Recite the book that was revealed to your Prophet from somewhere. When Hazrat Jafar recited a few verses of Surah Maryam Maryam, a special condition came over Najashi, he said: “By God, this and the night are on the same lamp and the Quraish.”

Addressing the ambassadors, he said: By Allah, I will not let them go back either. Hazrat Jafar remained in Abyssinia until six years after he migrated to Madinah. The twofold joy of the return of these distant brothers was achieved, when Hazrat Jafar came forward, Hazrat Ali hugged him and kissed his forehead and said: I do not know that I am more pleased than the coming of Jafar.

Happily, or the victory of Khyber.

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