Faith and Struggle: The Early Embrace of Islam by Key Companions, Hazrat Mu’awiyah, Hazrat Muqdad, and Hazrat Abdul Rahman

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Acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Mu’awiyah Bin Haidah

Hazrat Mu’awiyah Bin Huida states that I came to the service of Hazrat Ali and said: O Messenger of Allah, I have not come to your service until now because I have done it more times than the number of my hands. I had sworn that I would never come to your house nor would I accept the religion of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and Hazrat Mu’awiyah said this while placing his hands on each other pointing to the number of wholes. Now Allah Ta’ala has brought me to you, so I have come to serve him and my condition is that I have a little knowledge, I ask you through the greatness of Allah that our Lord What has sent you to us? Hazrat Ali said: “I have sent the religion of Islam. Hazrat Mu’awiya asked: What is the religion of Islam?” The Holy Prophet said: “The religion of Islam is that you should say: I have made myself the messenger of Allah and I have separated myself from all others except Allah, and establish prayer and pay Zakat, every Muslim should be responsible to every other Muslim.” For it is respectable, both Muslims are brothers and help each other. When a polytheist man becomes a Muslim, now after Islam, Allah Almighty will accept his actions when he separates from the polytheists (i.e. migrates). ) What was the need for me to hold your back and save you people from the fire of hell, but listen! The point is that my Lord will call me and ask me if you have conveyed my religion to my servants, and then I can say: O my Lord! Yes, I delivered, listen to the jury! Those of you who are present here should convey my religion to those who are absent. Hazrat Muawiya says: I said: O Messenger of Allah, this is our religion? Ali said: Yes, this is your religion, wherever you live, you will follow it well

It will be enough for you.

Acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Muqdad bin Umar

Hazrat Muqdad was originally a resident of Bahra because one of his family members had shed blood in a neighboring tribe, so he moved to Kanda for fear of management, but the same problem happened here, finally, he came to Makkah and settled. He had not even been able to enter his homeland in Makkah when the sound of Tawheed came to his ears and the invitation and preaching of the Messenger of God made him a lover of Islam. It was considered the most serious crime, but Hazrat Muqdad, despite his helplessness and poor nationality, did not hide the truth, so he is seen in the ranks of the seven elders who declared their circle to be Islam in the beginning. Diya, the inevitable result of this favoritism was that they were subjected to all kinds of sufferings and brutal atrocities, even

The measure of patience was exhausted and he left Makkah and set out for Jabish. 2

After a few days, when he returned to the land with joy, preparations were being made to migrate to Madinah, but he was forced to go to Madinah for some time due to some of his difficulties, even when the Messenger of Allah also visited, and disbelief and Military harassment in Islam began, so he and Hazrat Uqba bin Ghazwan left for Medina along with a Qureshi Manjas army, Ikramah bin Abi Jahl was the leader of his army, on the way a group of Mujahideen Islam surrounded them. Hazrat Ubaidah Bin Al-Harith was his officer, these two took the opportunity to meet the Muslims and reached Madinah.

Acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Abi Bakr

All the family of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique became followers of Islam in the beginning, but Hazrat Abd al-Rahman was different from it. When he shouted the slogan “Hil Man Mubariz” (Who is there to fight), Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq’s eyes began to bleed.

He did not allow them, he was with the polytheists of Makkah even in the battle of Uhud. Hazrat Abd al-Rahman believed on the occasion of the Peace of Hudaybiyah and reached Madinah and started living with his father. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq used to do most of his work and personal business, and he obeyed his anger with great obedience.

used to tolerate.

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