The Esteemed Companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH): Guiding Stars of Islam

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We have compared the Companions of the Holy Prophet (may Allah be pleased with him) to the stars.

In it, there is a Surya, a Venus, and a Najm, so who is there when, the distinguishing feature of all of them is that they all give light and remove the darkness by which man is guided, as mentioned in the Sahih Hadith. : “On you is the Sunnah of my Sunnah and the rightly guided Caliphs, whose Sunnah is to be followed. You should adopt it and hold fast to it. Imam Bukhari narrated from Hazrat Anas bin Malik that Hazrat Sam said: Loving the Ansar is a sign of faith and hating them is a sign of hypocrisy. So we said: “The community that will be on the path of me and my Companions will be the Ansar, that all the emigrants will remain steadfast in the face of all kinds of dangers and all wars and with the confidence that the Holy Prophet found.” They used to live and benefit from Al-Iyum and maintained it at all times and in all circumstances, so no one retreated on dangerous occasions when three people were left behind in the battle of Tabuk. Because of the feeling of remorse, his life, one of these three was Ka’b bin Malik if you listen to his story from his mouth, you will know from the style of narration how much love he had for Hazrat M. And how regretful and how much Zamir was blamed for not being able to participate in the battle of Tabuk, at the same time Malik Ghassan, upon hearing the news, invited him to join his group, burned the invitation and made it a kind of fire.

Considering the trial, he presented proof of loyalty and perseverance.

Allah Ta’ala allowed His Habib Salam to prepare the first group of Companions, therefore Huzur CM brought them out of the dusty atmosphere of Jahiliyyah and brought them into the light of faith—personality forms.

She was suffering from conflict, but this group came and saved her life and removed all the dangers that were facing her, the appearance of this group and its stability was necessary for the survival of humanity, that’s why when Allah The Almighty emphasized the brotherhood and love of the Ansar and the Muhajirin either by saying:

If you don’t do this, there will be great mischief in the land. On the other hand, under the guidance of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the training and completion of the faith of the Companions

As the series continued, the Qur’an continued to give strength and warmth to their hearts, the meetings of the Messenger of Allah gave them stability, control over their desires, the true desire for God’s pleasure, and the habit of erasing oneself in its path, the love of heaven. Greed for knowledge, understanding of religion, and self-accountability gained wealth. Twenty-seven times during the year, he left for Jihad and went to the battlefield more than a hundred times by his orders, detachment from the world became easy for him, and he became accustomed to bearing the sufferings of his family. Those people came to the feet of Islam with their hearts, with their hands and feet, and with their souls. When the truth became clear to them, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, did not quarrel with us. There was no mental or emotional conflict, and if you had made a decision, there would have been no room for disagreement. The bodies were submitted to limits and punishments, the sanctity of alcohol was revealed, spilling cups were on the palms, and Allah’s command was interposed between their burning livers, polluted lips, and cups of wine, then what was there? , the hand did not dare to rise up, the desires of the lips dried up there, broke the vessels of wine.

went and the wine was flowing in the streets and canals of Madinah. While living in this world, men became those who preferred the debt of the hereafter to the cash of the world in the market of the hereafter and cash deals, neither fearing any trouble nor giving up on any blessing, poverty could not be an obstacle in their way, wealth was rebellious. He could not create, he did not neglect trade, he did not give by any power, he did not even think of God’s presence on earth, we could not even do corruption and destruction, he was the measure of justice for the people, he was the bearer of justice. , were the witnesses of Allah Almighty, even if they had to testify against themselves, even if they had to go against their parents and Azza, Allah Almighty placed His land at their feet and made the world subservient to them, they At that time, he became the protector of the world and the advocate of the religion of Allah, the Messenger of Allah made him his successor and he traveled to Rafiq al-Ala with cool eyes, taking satisfaction from the Prophet and the Ummah. (Muslims in the human world

Effect of rise and fall: 84-86)

Anti-peace media greatly exaggerates certain events of Islamic history to degrade the glory of the Companions and create a wrong image in the minds of the youth growing up in a non-Islamic environment. But they try to create doubts, some channels raise questions about the position of the Companions after the demise of Hazrat Akram Ali M. Islamic figures

It gives rise to mistrust and misunderstandings. The sad thing is that when we look at the services of those who serve Islam and Islamic sciences, it is not hidden from the organization and attention that our scholars have shown.

He did not pay the same attention to history as he did to Islamic sciences and Shariah, the result of which was that the task of collecting and arranging historical traditions was taken upon themselves by those who were not trustworthy and they carelessly Worked and collected everything, in which there were fabricated things about the Companions of the opponents of Islam which do not present their true picture and the irony is that the Orientalists have written the biography of the Prophet, the biography of the Companions and Islamic history. highlighted those aspects that caused doubts among people and worked to make rye into a mountain and this work continued with a certain concern, the authors of Europe, some Arabs

By including the writers in his caravan, he caused more damage. What is needed today is to describe the manners and methods of the Companions of the Messenger

His place and position should be described, his sacrifice in the way of attaining the pleasure of Allah, his sincerity, trustworthiness, fear of God, desire for Paradise and the Hereafter, and his love and affection for the Messenger, his following the Messenger. His role and exemplary services in the path of the establishment of fidget, Janissary, loyalty, and propagation of Islam and Islamic Khilafah should be presented to the new generation, there is no distinction between Ansar and Muhajirin; On the contrary, whoever received the honor of the Prophet’s companionship and joined the ranks of the Companions, they are not all respectable; Worthy of imitation

There are samples. There is an indication of this in the Holy Quran.

Sayyid Na Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

Don’t curse my companions, if I spend my life in his hands.

Such as a single gold, but not half of it.

Do not speak ill of my companions, by Him in Whose possession is my soul that if you

If I spend gold equal to one of them, I will pay for one of them

It cannot even equal a charity equal to half the Madd. (Bukhari and Muslim)

My companions are like the stars, whose guidance you will follow.

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