Turning Points: The Remarkable Conversions of Hazrat Uthman bin Mazoon, Hazrat Arqam, and Other Early Companions

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Acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Uthman bin Mazoon

Hazrat Uthman Fitra Na Ghatri Salim al-Tabb was a good-natured and self-pure person. During the days of Jahiliyyah, every Arab child was intoxicated. However, his tongue was still unfamiliar with the taste of the purple wind. He used to say such What is the benefit of drinking something that makes a person’s intellect fall into disgrace, humiliated and low-ranked people make him laugh, and mother and sister in a state of intoxication?

Not even distinction remains.

Because of this natural purity, his heart was immaculate, the preaching and exhortation of Rasulullah Ali quickly established the pattern of monotheism, and Arbab Seer states that he

By that time only thirteen companions had believed.

A group of Blockshan Islam in Nabwi took the road to Malik Abyssinia with the permission of Rasulullah Maal, Hazrat Uthman bin Maz’un was the emir of this homeless group, after living there for a while based on the false rumor that all the Quraish had He accepted Islam and then came back, but when the news turned out to be baseless when he reached Mecca, he was very worried because it was difficult to go that far again, and on the other hand, the fear of the polytheists was rampant to enter Mecca. In this conflict, they stopped where they had reached, and when all their companions one by one, their polytheist honor and companions.

When they reached Makkah refuge, they also entered Makkah with the support of Waleed bin Mughirah. The influence of Waleed bin Mughira had protected Hazrat Uthman from torture, but he saw the suffering of Rasoolullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam and the other Companions, he could not accept this personal relief and satisfaction, and one day he automatically reproached himself with these words: “Alas! My friends and family are suffering all kinds of hardships in the way of God and I am living with this contentment and satisfaction in the support of a polytheist, by God! This is a great weakness of my self. This thought made him desperate, and at that time he came to Walid bin Mughirah and said: O Abu Abd Shams! Your responsibility has been fulfilled, until then I was under your protection, but now God and His Messenger (PBUH) support me. I like to stay, the example of the Messenger of God or his companions is enough for me, Waleed said: “Perhaps someone has tortured you?” He said: No, the fact is that now I do not need the support of anyone except God. You should go to the Kaaba with me and announce my withdrawal in the same way as you announced my support, so Waleed insisted. After being forced to explain his wish in public, Hazrat Uthman bin Maz’un stood up and confirmed it and said: “Saheb! I found Waleed very faithful and kind, but since I now do not like the support of anyone but God, I resign this time with grace.

After this announcement, Hazrat Uthman bin Mazoon came to a gathering of Quraish with Labid bin Rabi’ah. Read the verse: All things except God.

are invalid) then Hazrat Uthman bin Maz’oon shouted helplessly that you have spoken the truth but When he recited the second stanza:

وَكُلُّ نَعِيْمٍ لَّ محَالَةَ زايل” (All the blessings will surely disappear) Then he said, “You are telling a lie.” At once, the whole congregation looked at him angrily and asked Labid to recite this verse again and again. , he repeated,

Then Hazrat Uthman confirmed the first verse and denied the second and said: You are lying, even the blessings of Paradise will not disappear. This was not the case in your gatherings, with this provocative sentence, anger spread throughout the congregation and a miscreant went towards Hazrat Uthman and slapped him so hard that one eye turned yellow, people said: Support Uthman Uttamwaleed I was very honored and your eye was safe from this shock, said: “The support of God is the most peaceful.”

Wazi is respected and my eye is healthy and also wants to share in the shock of his friend, Waleed said: “Do you still accept to come to my shelter?” He said: Only God’s refuge is sufficient for me.

Hazrat Uthman patiently endured the atrocities in Makkah for a long time, until when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) ordered all the Companions to migrate to Madinah, he migrated to Madinah with his family and his nobles. had vacated Makkah in such a way that not a single member of his family could live there and all

Houses were closed.

Acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Arqam bin Abi al-Arqam

Hazrat Artam’s family was the owner of special respect and authority in the days of Jahiliyyah, his grandfather was a very prominent nobleman of Makkah in his time. Hazrat Artum believed after eleven or twelve Companions, at that time the life of the Prophet and all the Muslims was in great danger. Hazrat Arqam’s house was located in the foothills of Mount Safa, he hid Mahbat Wahi Walham and all the Muslims in his house, Hazrat Umar Farooq brought Islam to his house, at the time of his conversion to Islam, more or less forty people, Sharaf Islam. Had been Musharraf, his introduction to Islam created strength among the Muslims, in the thirteenth year of the Ba’ath, when the order of migration was issued, Hazrat Artum and other Companions.

He reached Madinah with Karam.

Acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Shahrabeel bin Hasna

It is known from various traditions that Hazrat Shahrabeel and his family had accepted Islam sometime in the early period, this was the period when Sarwar Alam had not started the right of public preaching and performed the duty of preaching with great secrecy. When it was time for prayer, Muslims used to go to the deserted valleys of Makkah, hidden from their people and tribes, and pray so that the polytheists could not know about their change of religion. Hazrat Shahrabil was also included. When Sarwar Aalam started the public call to the truth, the volcano of anger and rage of the polytheists exploded with full force and an endless series of persecution of the Muslims began. They became targets of persecution, but they continued to endure all kinds of hardships with great patience and persistence. When the atrocities of the infidels became more severe, Hazrat Shahrabeel and his family migrated to Abyssinia, as if the whole family had followed the path of Allah. I left my home and adopted the poor homeland of Abyssinia.

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