From Slavery to Sacrifice: The Conversions of Hazrat Aamir bin Fahira, Hazrat Abu Salama, Hazrat Abdullah bin Jahsh, and Hazrat Abu Huzaifa

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Acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Aamir bin Fahira

Hazrat Amir had made Dawat Tawheed visible in the beginning. He had not taken shelter in the house of Arqam bin Abi al-Arqam until that time. I suffered, and was subjected to all kinds of tortures, but until the end, I was not short of perseverance, until the hand of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique imprisoned me.

Freedom from slavery.

On the occasion of Hijrah, when Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique and Hazrat Abu Bakr hid in the cave of Thor, Hazrat Amir bin Fahira had this service that he used to graze the goats of Hazrat Abu Bakr in the pasture of Makkah during the day and bring them to the cave in the evening. Their milk was milked and used, when this caravan proceeded from the cave of Thor, Hazrat Abu Bakr gave it to them

He sat behind him and he also reached Madinah with him. At that time, Saraqa took Hazrat, and Hazrat in the lure of one hundred (100) camels

pursued Abu Bakr his horse stumbled and ate until the horse’s feet sank into the ground up to its knees, so he apologized to you and requested that you write me a letter of peace. Leather

A word of peace was written on one of the pieces.

Acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Abu Salama bin Abdul Asad

Hazrat Abu Salama’s mother was still the Prophet’s, in that sense, he was his paternal brother. He entered the circle of believers before he took refuge in the house of Hazrat Mia’s Arqam bin Abi al-Arqam, his wife Hazrat Umm Salama. also supported him, Hazrat Abu Salama, Hazrat Ubaidah bin Harith, Hazrat Arqam bin

Abi al-Arqam and Hazrat Uthman bin Maz’un had believed together. Hazrat Abu Salama Shimar was a participant in both migrations to the land of Abyssinia, his wife Hazrat Umm Salama was also a traveling companion, then he returned from Jabash and went to Medina, but in another tradition, the credit of the first is attributed to Hazrat Musab bin Umayr. Allama Ibn Hajar, applying both of them, says: “When Hazrat Abu Salama returned to Makkah from Jabish, the polytheists again made him a target of torture, so he came to Madinah because of the fear of the polytheists.” There was no intention of permanent emigration, on the contrary, Hazrat Musab bin Umair arrived when the order of permanent emigration had already been given, so he

There is no contradiction between the two traditions.

However, Hazrat Abu Salama reached Madinah before nightfall, he faced resistance from the Quraish even in migrating. When we left, Banu Mughira came and surrounded Abu Salama and said: You can go, but don’t take our girl.

Banu Abd al-Asad also came, and they said to Abu Salama: You can go, but you cannot take the child who is a child of our tribe. Al-Asad snatched the child from the mother’s lap and brought Umm Salama, Hazrat Abu Salama considered it a duty for Judin to migrate without the wife and child. She had been separated from her husband and came back after crying for hours. A year passed by crying like this. Finally, her brother took pity on her and asked both tribes to permit Salma to go to her husband. Go away, the child was also given back to them, Umm Salma rode a camel and walked alone to Madinah.

Acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Abdullah bin Jahsh

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Jahsh’s mother Umeema was the daughter of Abdul Muttalib and the Prophet’s paternal aunt, in that sense he was the paternal cousin of the Flood.

Hazrat Abdullah bin Jahsh had said no to Islam at the beginning, until that time he had not taken refuge in the house of Hazrat Arqam bin Abi al-Arqam. He migrated to the land of Abyssinia. In the end, the whole family, two brothers, Abu Ahmad, Obaidullah, and three sisters, Zainab, Umm Habiba Hamna, and Abdullah’s wife Umm Habiba bint Abi Sufyan were with him. Obaidullah converted to Christianity in Jabish. Hadrat Abdullah bin also brought the rest of his family back to Makkah, and from here he reached Medina with all the members of his clan who had all embraced Islam. had vacated Makkah from his relatives in such a way that the neighborhood became desolate and

Many houses were locked.

Acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Abu Huzaifa

Utba, the father of Hazrat Abu Huzaifa, was one of the influential Quraysh chiefs who had spent all their strength in opposition to Islam, but who can oppose God’s will? Hazrat Abu Hudhayfah, the son of Aqaba himself, supported the claimant of Islam at that time when there was no chance of success in this call, and a very short group of Farzan Tawheed was imprisoned with Qasim Parsi.

They did not seek refuge in the house of Arqam bin Abi al-Arqam. Hazrat Abu Huzaifa was a participant in both migrations to Abyssinia, his wife Hazrat Sahla was also a traveling companion when he returned to Makkah from Bish, here he migrated to Madinah until this time.

As preparations were being made, he took his slave Hazrat Salim with him and reached Madinah. There was a strange and instructive scene in the Battle of Badr, while on one side his father and on the other side it was visible. But his sister Hind bint Uqbah blamed him in the Battle of Badr. Uqbah bin Rabi’ah and most of the Quraysh chiefs were killed and thrown into a cave. O Abu Jahl, did you find the promise true? At that time, Hazrat Abu Hudhayfah’s face was very sad, and I asked: O Abu. Huzaifa maybe you. He has some regrets about his father, he said: No, by God, I am not saddened by his death, but I thought that he was a wise, firm, and opinionated person. Iman will be satisfied, but when Hazrat Ali assured me that he would die in a state of disbelief, I regretted my wrong expectation.

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