From Enemy to Ally: The Conversion of Hazrat Amr bin Al-Aas to Islam

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Acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Umar bin Al-Aas

The family of Amr bin Al-Aas used to be respected from the Banu period of Jahiliyyah. Like the chiefs, they were also at the forefront, so when the first caravan of Muslims migrated to Abyssinia, the Quraysh’s zeal went to Najashi to get the people out of Abyssinia, and its most active member was Amr bin Al-Aas. So he reached Abyssinia and made all kinds of efforts to expel the Muslims. First, he met the priests and incited them against the Muslims so that these people also supported the delegation of Quraysh in the expulsion of the Muslims. All possible efforts were made to prevent him from giving shelter to the Muslims, but All their efforts failed.

Ghazwa Khandaq, in which the whole of Arabia came against the Muslims, Amr bin Al-Aas was with the polytheists and was spending his fortune in the extermination of the Muslims. Although Umar and Ibn Al-Aas were the fiercest enemies of Islam and the Prophet of Islam, after the Battle of Ghazwa Khandaq, they began to be influenced by Islam. That the truth of Islam began to appear to me from this reflection and my heart began to be affected by it, and I began to withdraw gradually from the opposition of the Muslims, Quraysh told him.

felt and sent a person to discover its truth, he began to argue with me, I said to him: Tell us whether we are on the right or those of Persia vroom? He said: “We are. Then I asked whether they have the luxury or us?” He said: “To them, I said: If there is no other world after this world, then what will be the use of our worship of the truth, while we are in a difficult situation in this world in comparison with the false worshipers and in the next world too.” Therefore, his teaching that there will be another world after death, where every person will be punished according to his actions, is somewhat correct and heartening. He was fully convinced of his success and this belief was the source of his conversion to Islam

Bana, its description is mentioned in the words of Khudaan in Musnad Ahmad. It is narrated by him that when we returned from the Ahzab (trench) campaign, I gathered those people of Quraish who believed in me and listened to me and said: By God, you people should know for sure that Muhammad Ali’s words will prevail over all things, there is no room for denial, I have an opinion, how do you think about it, people asked: “What is your opinion?” He said: “Let us go and stay with Najashi. If Muhammad (peace be upon him) prevails over our nation, we will stay with Najashi, because living under Najashi’s favor is more preferable than being under Muhammad Ali.” And if our nation prevailed over Muhammad, we are a distinguished people, and his treatment of us would be better, everyone agreed on this opinion, I said then something to give him as a gift for the impurity we have here. The best gift was a sardine, so we reached Abyssinia with a lot of sardines. We were going to the court of Najashi when Amr ibn Umayyah Zamri also arrived.

I had sent to Najashi out of necessity when he came and went, I said to my companions, “Let us request Najashi to refer Amr bin Umayyah Zamri to us, and if he does, then strike his neck so that the Quraysh know that we avenged Muhammad Ilya’s ambassador by beheading him, that I went to the court of Najashi and bowed as usual, he welcomed and asked: “For me my country.” Did you bring a gift? I said: “Holy One! I have brought a lot of sparrows as a gift, and the one who took the sparrows was presented as a gift, he liked it very much, then I said: “Your Highness! I have seen it coming out from the Holy Prophet, it is sent by our enemy, referring him to us to kill the Holy Prophet, he has hurt our nobles and dignitaries, Najashi was very angry hearing this request and pulled his hand He hit his nose so hard that I thought it would break, I was so sorry and ashamed of his action that if the earth had split, I would have fallen into it, then I said: Shaha! Thinking that this request would be displeasing to the Holy Prophet, I would not have done it. He said, “Do you want me to refer you for killing a person to whom the honorable Akbar comes, who used to come to Musa (peace be upon him)?” Who: Is he like that? He said: ‘Omer and your condition, obey me, by God, he will prevail over all his opponents.’ Having prevailed over Pharaoh and his army, I said: Then take the pledge of Islam from him on his behalf. When I went, all my thoughts were reversed, but I did not reveal it to my companions and to bring Islam to Islam at the hands of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.

On the way, I met Khalid bin Waleed coming from Makkah. This is an event before the conquest of Makkah. I said: Abu Sufyan! Where is the intention? He said: “By God! By God, this person is definitely there, now he should accept Islam soon, how long will this stay? I said: “By God, I have gone with the same intention, so we both came together to serve the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him. First, Khalid bin Waleed pledged allegiance, then I came closer and said: O Messenger of Allah.” O Messenger of Allah, I will pledge my allegiance, but you forgive my past and present sins. He said: “Umar, pledge allegiance, Islam forgives one’s previous sins, and Hijrah also erases one’s previous sins, so I

Pledged allegiance and returned after pledging allegiance.

Hazrat Amr bin Al-Aas returned to Makkah after accepting Islam, then for a few days

Later they migrated to Madinah.

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