A Vow and a Chase: The Pursuit of Abu Sufyan and the Cotton Struggle of Suwayq

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Ghazwah Suwayq

Dhul Hijjah 2 Hijri)

When the defeated army of the polytheists reached Makkah from Badr, Abu Sufyan bin Harb swore that he would not bathe until he attacked Madinah.

will do

So, to fulfill his oath, at the beginning of Dhul-Hijjah, he took two hundred horsemen with him and set off towards Madinah. On reaching Maqam al-Parh, which is three miles from Madinah, he entered a palm grove. There, two men were cultivating. Was busy with work. One person was from the Ansar and the other was from the Akhir

Completed and ran away.

When the Messenger of Allah came to know about the matter, on the 5th of Dhul-Hijjah, Sunday, two Somaha took Mahajarin and Ansar and set out in pursuit of Abu Sufyan, but no one came. These people had already run away. The sacks of cotton that they had brought with them to lighten the load while walking went into the hands of the Muslims, hence the name of this battle is Ghazwat al-Sawaiq, which means the struggle of cotton.

Ghazwa Ghatfan

(Muharram 3 Hijri).

After returning from the battle of Suwaiq, the rest of Dhul-Hijjah remained in Madinah. In the meantime, the news reached you that Bani Talaba and Bani Mohareb (which are the branches of the Ghatfan tribe) are gathering in Najd and they intend to loot the outskirts of Madinah and Atur Takhtafani was their leader. In the month of Muharram 3 AH, Masla left for Najd to climb Ghatfan and appointed Uthman bin Affan Raylia as his deputy in Madinah, and four hundred and fifty companions were with his team. As soon as the Ghatfani heard the news from you, they dispersed in the mountains. Only one person came to the hands of Bani Taghlibah. The Companions caught him and presented him to the public. Your work invited him to Islam and he converted to Islam. The whole month of Safar passed but no one came to the competition. He returned to Madinah in Rabi al-Awwal without a fight. During this journey, it happened that it rained on the way and the clothes of the Companions got wet. The Holy Prophet put his wet clothes on the tree to dry and lay down under the tree. The Arabs there were watching the work from you. The Arabs asked their chief Ujur, who was very brave in his youth, saying to Muhammad, “They are lying alone under this tree and their companions are scattered, so go and kill them.” Dhur took a very sharp sword and took the bare sword Kar stood next to you and said, O Muhammad, tell me who will save you from my sword today.

He said Allah Ta’ala will save. The task for you was to say that Jibreel Amin Alay Kalam struck him in the chest, at that time the sword fell from his hand and light on the Holy Prophet lifted it and he said to Dashur: Tell me that now you Who will save me from my sword, he said no one

And brought Islam and recited the word. I testified that there is no god but Allah, and I testified that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and promised that I would no longer raise an army against you in the air. He returned the sword to Dashur, Dastur went a short distance and came back and said, “By Allah, I am better than you.” It was done, where did she go, Dhur narrated the whole incident and said, “In this way, a punch was hit in my chest from the unseen, which made me fall.” By doing so, I recognized and believed that he was an angel punching. That’s why

This verse reveals about

O those who believe, remember the blessings of Allah upon you, that they are a people.

Let them stretch out their hands to you, and let their hands rest from you, O you who believe! Remember the reward of Allah when a nation

They intended to lay their hands on you, but Allah stopped their hands.” Imam Beyhati says that a similar incident was also narrated in the town of Ghazwah Zat al-Raqqa. What if it’s safe?

If so, these are two different stories, one was in Ghatafan and the other was in Zaat al-Raqqa.

Allama Zarqani says that the opinion of the researchers is that these two stories are separate.

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