The Tragedy and Triumph of Uhud: Martyrs and Warriors

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Ghazwa Uhud

(Shawwal-ul-Mukarram 3 Hijri)

The greatest event of the third year of Hijrah is the Battle of Uhud. “Ahad” is the name of a mountain that is about three miles away from Medina, because this great battle of truth and falsehood took place at the foot of this mountain. That is why this battle is known as the Battle of Uhud and the events of this battle have been mentioned by God in various verses of the Holy Quran.

Cause of Battle of Uhud:-

You must have read in the previous pages that seventy infidels were killed and seventy captured in the Battle of Badr, and most of those who were killed were chieftains of the infidel Quraish, rather than Tajdars. It happened and the child of the Quraysh was eager to fight the Muslims, becoming the light of wrath and anger in revenge. The Arabs, especially the Quraysh, had this distinction that they considered taking revenge for the blood of each one of their victims as a huge debt, without paying it, it was as if their existence could not survive. Therefore, when the Quraish got leisure from the mourning of the slain in the battle of Badr, they resolved that as soon as possible they should avenge the blood of their slain from the Muslims.

Other unbelievers of Quraysh, whose fathers, brothers, and sons, had been killed in the Battle of Badr. They all went to Abu Sufyan and said that the Muslims of our nation All the chiefs had been killed. It is our national duty to take revenge for this, so it is our wish that the profit made in the joint trade of Quraish this year should be collected in the war fund of the nation, and with this money, we should buy the best weapons and strengthen our military strength very soon. It should be done and then take a great army and march on Madinah and destroy the founder of Islam and Muslims from the world. Abu Sufyan gladly accepted this request of Quraish. But Quraysh had experienced from the Battle of Badr that fighting Muslims was not an easy task. It is very easy to fight against storms and storms, to hit the waves of the sea, to hit the mountains, but to fight against the lovers of work with Muhammad Rasulullah is a very difficult task, so he considered it very important to increase his fighting power. So these people chose great poets to spread the enthusiasm of war and the fever of fighting throughout Arabia along with pouring money like water in the preparation of weapons and purchase of war supplies. Who, with his fiery speech, ignited the fire of vengeance in all the tribes of Arabia. Amr Naji and Mustafa, of them were unique in their poetry and renowned in their narrative. They both made regular visits and created such excitement and agitation in all the tribes of Arabia that children were ready to die and kill while chanting the slogan of blood revenge. This resulted in the formation of a large army. Along with the men, the women of big, respectable, and wealthy families also joined the army, filled with enthusiasm. Those women, whose fathers, brothers, sons, and husbands were killed in the Battle of Badr, had sworn that we would die by drinking the blood of the murderers of our relatives. Hazrat Hamza was also wanted by the Holy Prophet.

Hind’s father Uqbah and Jubir bin Mut’am were killed in the Battle of Badr. On this basis, he persuaded the barbarian, who was a slave of Jubayr bin Mut’am, to kill Hazrat Hamza Ali Allah and promised that if he killed Hazrat Hamza, he would be released as a reward for this deed.

Ascension to Medina:

Accordingly, with great enthusiasm and great preparation, the army of the infidels left Makkah, and Abu Sufyan brought his uncle Abbas, who had secretly converted to Islam and was living in Makkah, from Rabna Huzur, the general of this army Jarrar. He wrote a letter and informed the Holy Prophet about the infidel Quraysh’s military campaign. When the people received this terrible news about you, Kalam asked you on the 15th of Shawwal 3 AH to make Hazrat Anas and Hazrat Munis Alina, the two sons of Hazrat Adi bin Fazala alaih, spies and send them to bring the news of the army of the disbelieving Quraysh. So both of them came and heard the disturbing news that Abu Sufyan’s army had come very close to Madinah and their horses.

All the grasses of the pastures of Madinah were grazed.

Enthusiasm and preparation of Muslims:-

On hearing this news, on Friday night of Ashwal 3 AH, Hazrat Saad bin Muaz, Hazrat Asayid bin Haqeer, and Hazrat Saad bin Ubada took important weapons and kept guarding the shoulder of the Prophet throughout the night with a few Ansars and also the important points of the city of Midia. Ansar’s guard was placed. In the morning, we gathered the Ansar and the Muhajireen and asked the Prophet’s advice on whether to stay inside the city and fight the enemy’s army or to go out of the city and fight this battle in the field. The emigrants in general and the elders of the Ansar thought that the women and children should be protected in the forts or that they should remain within the city and fight the enemy. Abdullah bin Abi, the leader of the hypocrites, was also present in this assembly. He was losing his temper in Jihad, and he came to the opinion that a decisive battle should be fought against the enemies of Islam in the field. Then he went into the house, put on his weapons, and came out. Now all the people agreed to stay inside the city to prevent the attacks of the disbelieving Quraysh, but the words of the Holy Prophet said that it is not a good thing for the Prophet to put on arms and dismount until Allah Almighty Let him decide between his enemies, now you people take the name of God and go out into the field, if you people stand patiently in the battlefield, then you will win.

(Marija Vol. 2 p. 114)

Then Hazrat Maykam gave the flag of the Aws tribe of Ansar to Hazrat Usayd bin Hudhir B. the flag of the Khazraj tribe to Hazrat Habib bin Munzar Ali and the flag of the Muhajirin to Hazrat Ali.

He gave him and left Madinah with an army of 1,000.

Refusal of Jewish aid:-

As you leave the city, you see an army coming. We asked you not to meet these people? The people said, “O Messenger of Allah, this is the army of the Jews, the allies of the hypocrites, Abdullah bin Abi.” Which is coming from you for work assistance. He said to you:

Tell these people to go back. Against us polytheists

I did not take the help of polytheists. (Madarij vol. 2, p. (114)) So this army of Jews went back, then Abdullah bin Abi (the leader of the hypocrites) who came with three hundred men with a mission from the Holy Prophet. He went back saying that Muhammad Kam did not accept my advice and went against my opinion, so I his I would not go along.

According to Abdullah bin Abi, the people of Banu Haritha from the tribe of Khazraj, from Nabilah Aws, also decided to return. But their sudden love for Islam in the hearts of the people created such a passion that the feet of these people became frozen, so Allah Ta’ala mentioned these people in the Holy Qur’an and said: When two groups of you decided to That they should be killed and Allah is the one who will take care of them and the Muslims should trust in Allah. There was an army of a thousand people. Among them were seven hundred armored men, two hundred horses, three thousand camels, and fifteen women. Leaving the city, the Holy Prophet inspected his army and sent back those who were young, so that on the terrible occasion of the battle..

What do children do?

Children’s Enthusiasm Jihad:

When Hazrat Rafi Bin Khadin Dayal was told that you are too short, go back now, he immediately stood on his toes to make his height appear taller.

His plan worked and he was inducted into the army.

Hazrat Samra Liya who was a young man. When they started to return, they said that I would take Rafi bin Khadij back in the boat. Therefore, if they are taken into the army, then I must also be allowed to participate in the war. So both of them were confronted and Hazrat Umar and Ali Kha killed Hazrat Rafi bin Khadij to the ground. In this way, both of them were encouraged to participate in the battle of Uhud Good luck.

From Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the field of battle:-

The polytheists reached Madinah on the 12th of Shawwal 3H Wednesday and camped on Mount Uhud. But the Holy Prophet left Madinah after Friday prayer on 14 Shawwal 3H. During the night, the Prophet stayed in Bokhar and reached Uhud at the time of Fajr prayer on Saturday, 15 Shawwal. Hazrat Akasha bin Mohsan Asari was the lamb of the army on the right wing, Hazrat Abu Salama bin Abd al-Asad Al-Murni on the Maysara (left wing), and Hazrat Abu Ubaydah bin Al-Jarrah and Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas on the case (the next part) and Hazrat Muqdad bin Umar was appointed as an officer at the Saqqah (rear section) and at the time of the formation, he kept Mount Uhud on his back and kept Mount Ainin, which is in the Wadi Qanaa, on his left. A pass (narrow passage) in the mountain behind the army through which the disbelieving Quraysh could attack from behind the ranks of the Muslims. That is why we appointed a squad of fifty archers from the Holy Prophet to guard this pass and made Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubir Ali the officer of this squad and ordered to see whether we are defeated or victorious. But you people do not move from your place until I send someone to you.

The polytheists also mended their ranks with great regularity. So they made Khalid bin Waleed the head of their army and Ikramah bin Abu Jahl the officer of Maysara. The cavalry was under the command of Safwan bin Umayyah. A troop of archers was separate. Whose

The leader was Abdullah bin Rabi’ah and the leader of the entire army was Talha bin Abu Talha, who belonged to the tribe of Bani Abdul Dar.

There was a man. When we saw from the Holy Prophet that the leader of the entire army of the infidels was a person from the tribe of Bani Abdul Dar, he also gave the flag of the Islamic army to Hazrat Musab bin Umair. who belonged to Banu Abdul Dar tribe.

Beginning War:

First, the women of the disbelieving Quraysh marched forward playing tambourines and singing poems that mourned the victims of the Battle of Badr and were full of blood revenge. The army of infidels. Hind, the wife of the army commander Abu Sufyan, and fourteen women from the noble families of the infidel Quraysh were with him and all of them were singing these verses in unison.

We are the daughters of the stars of the sky, we are the ones who walk on the carpets.

The difference between the two

If you fight forward, we will meet you, and if you step back, we will be separated from you.”

  • The first person from the ranks of the polytheists to go to war was Abu Amir Ossi. Because of his worship and piety, the people of Medina used to call him a monk, but the Messenger of Allah named him “Faiq”. In the age of Jahiliyyah, this person was the chief of his tribe Aws and a popular common man of Medina. But when When Rasul Akram came to Madinah, this

The person became jealous and started opposing the beloved of God and left Madinah and went to Sikka and persuaded the disbelieving Quraysh to fight him. He had great faith That when my people see me, they will leave the Messenger of Allah. So he went out in the field and called out, O Ansar! Do you guys recognize me? I am Abu Amir Rahab. Ansar shouted yes. Yes! O sinner! We know you well. May God humble you. Abu Amir was shocked to hear the word of the transgressor for himself. He said that hey sorry! After me, my nation changed completely. Then a group of disbelieving Quraysh who were with him started shooting arrows at the Muslims. In response to this, the Ansar also pelted stones that day

That Abu Amir and with him ran away from the battlefield. Talha bin Abi Talha, the leader of the infidel army, came out of the field and said:

Why, O Muslims, is there anyone among you who can bring me to hell or by my own hand. May he reach heaven. Hearing this boastful speech of his, Hazrat Ali Sher Khudai Ilah said, “Yes, I am the one who said that.” Fateh Khyber tore his head off with a single blow of Zulfikar and he started writhing on the ground, and Sher Khuda turned his face there. moved away from, people asked that you did not cut his vines. The Lion God said that when he fell on the ground, his private parts opened and he began to swear to me that he should forgive me.

I did not turn away because I was shocked.

After Talha, his brother Uthman bin Abu Talha was attacked while reciting this poem of Rajs:

Verily, upon the people of the army is the truth

to anger the general

It is the duty of the spearman to dye the spear in blood or it will break.

Hazrat Hamza Aliullah came out to fight him with a sword on his shoulder

He struck with such a force that the sword reached the waist cutting the spine, and you were in their mouth

From this came the slogan that


Anna Ibn Safi, the son of Abdul Muttalib, who watered the pilgrims in Al-Jaheem. After that, the general war started and the blood market was hot on the battlefield

Abu Dujana’s Fortune:

There was a sword in the blessed hand of the work for Holy Prophet, on which was written this verse: In Al-Jumn-e-Aar, Wafi-Iqbal-e-Makrumah, Wal-Marhu Bil-Jubn, La Yanju Min-ul-Qadr, there is shame in cowardice, and there is honor in going forward and fighting, and a man.

One cannot avoid fate by pretending.”

The words of the Holy Prophet said that who can take this sword and pay its due.

Hearing this, many people cried for this blessing, but this honor and honor of Hazrat Abu Dujana was in the destiny of Allah, that we gave this sword of ours from our hands to the hands of Hazrat Abu Dujana. He was overjoyed to receive this honor

He asked, “O Messenger of Allah, what is the right of this sword?” He said that:

So kill the disbelievers with it until it becomes crooked. Hazrat Abu Dujana Allah said, “O Messenger of Allah!

Then he tied a red handkerchief on his head and went out to the battlefield, dismounting and tearing through the ranks of the enemy and drawing his sword.

While driving, they continued to move forward, when Abu Sufyan’s wife Hind came in front of them. Hazrat Abu Dujana, I intended to use the sword on him, but then with this thought, the sword. Removed that the Messenger of Allah, who has knowledge, does not adorn the sword to cut off the head of a woman. Hazrat Hamza is like Hazrat Abu Dujana and Hazrat Ali is also an enemy

entered the ranks and started massacring the infidels.

Hazrat Hamza (a.s.) was moving forward with a two-handed sword in the utmost zeal of Jihad, and in this state, the sign of Sabagh appeared. Allah said to you, O son of a woman who circumcised women, stay, where does he go? So he has gone to fight with Allah and the Messenger. Saying this, the sword was thrown at him and he fell into two pieces and fell on the ground.

Hazrat Hamza is the witness of Allah:-

Hashi who was an Abyssinian slave and his master Jubir bin Mut’am had promised him –

If Hazrat Hamza kills Leah, I will free you. The savage was hiding behind a rock and Hazrat Hamza was waiting for him. As soon as he approached him, he threw his spear from a distance and hit him, which hit him in the navel and crossed his back. Even in this situation, Hazrat Hamza took a sword and moved towards him. But don’t take the pain away

Fell down and became martyred.

The leaders of the infidels were falling in pieces, but their flag fell

could not After one was killed, the other would pick up the flag. It was a sign of the fury’s excitement that when an unbeliever named Sawab raised the flag of the polytheists, a Muslim struck him with a sword with such force that both his hands were cut off and they all fell to the ground. He did not let his national flag fall on the ground but the flag on his chest He fell down on the ground. In this situation, the Muslims killed him, but while he was being killed, he kept saying that I have fulfilled my duty. As soon as he died, a brave woman named “Umra” swooped down and raised the national flag in her hands. Seeing this scene, the Quraish became proud and their dispersed army gathered and attacked them

The steps stopped again.

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