Ghasil-ul-Malaika: The Blessed Martyrdom of Hazrat Khazla

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Hazrat Khazla’s Martyrdom:

This is the series of Battle Uhud

Abu Amir was fighting on the side of the infidels, but his son Hazrat Kazla was fighting under the banner of Islam. It was Hazrat Kazla that Allah asked in the presence of the Prophet that O Messenger of Allah (S)! Allow me to cut off the head of my father Abu Amir Rahab with my sword, but the mercy of the words of the Holy Prophet did not allow the son’s sword to cut off the father’s head. Hazrat Kazla was so full of enthusiasm that he put his wings on a bag and fought with great courage, reached the heart of the army, and attacked Abu Sufyan, the commander of the infidels. decided that suddenly Shaddad bin Al-Aswad swooped down from behind and killed Hazrat Khazla. We said to the Holy Prophet about Hazrat khazla Allah that the angels are giving bath to the khazla. When his wife was asked about his condition, she said that he had slept with his wife on the night of the Battle of Uhud. There was a need for a bath, but after hearing the call for battle, he joined the battle in that condition. Upon hearing this, the Holy Prophet took it upon himself to say that this is the reason why the angels gave a bath to him. Because of this incident, Hazrat Khala told him

He is remembered by the title of “Ghasil-ul-Malaika”.

Mujahideen Ansar Muhajirin fought bravely and bravely in this war stay Even the feet of the polytheists were torn off. The mujahideen attacks of Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Abu Dujana, Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas, etc., broke the back of the polytheists. All the pioneers of the infidels, Uthman, Abu Saeed, Musafa, Talha bin Abi Talha, etc., were cut to pieces and piled on the ground one by one. The infidels were defeated and they started to run away and their women who were encouraging the army of infidels by reciting poems, they were also running on the mountains with their naked legs in their bad mood, and Muslims were killed and killed. They were engaged in looting.

The dice of the war has turned:-

Seeing this scene of the stampede of the infidels and the victorious slaughter of the Muslims, he shot fifty arrows

The styles that were set on guarding the Muslim pass. They are also from each other

They said, return the booty, return the price, you have won. The officer of these people, Hazrat Abdullah b

Jubeer stopped every now and then and reminded him of the order of work from the Holy Prophet and the order of opposition to work from Mustafawi

threatened, but these Muslim archers did not listen to one and left their place to return wealth and blessings

Got busy. Khalid bin Waleed, an officer of Lashkar Kuffar (who had not yet converted to Islam).

were) watching this scene from the height of the mountain. When he saw that the gate was guarded

has become empty. Immediately he brought an army from the pass and attacked the Muslims from behind.

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Jubayr (A.S.) fought very bravely with a few brave men. But this

All of them were martyred, what happened now? The way was cleared for the infidel army. Khalid

Bin Waleed Ali launched a powerful attack. Seeing this, the fleeing infidel Quraysh army also turned back

The lying Muslims were busy looting the booty. Looking back, swords were raining

and the infidels were attacking the Muslims from both sides and the army of Muslims

He started drinking like grain in two millstones and such ill-feeling and corruption spread among the Muslims That there is no distinction between oneself and aliens. The Muslims themselves were killed by the swords of the Muslims. Thus Hazrat Huzaifa Ali Allah’s father Hazrat Yaman Ali Allah was martyred by the sword of the Muslim. Hazrat Huzaifah continued to argue, “O Muslims! These are my fathers, these are my fathers, but there was a strange feeling that no one was paying attention and the Muslims

Hazrat Yaman Raylia was martyred.

Hazrat Musab bin Umeer Ali Allah was also a martyr.

Then there was great anger that Ibn Tamir attacked Hazrat Musab bin Umair Ali Allah, the leader of the Islamic army, and threw a sword at his right hand with such force that his right hand fell off. This brave migrant took hold of the Islamic flag with his left hand. But Ibn Qamiyyah killed his left hand with a sword marker. Both hands were amputated. Hazrat Umair Ilya placed the flag of Islam on his chest with both his outstretched arms

They stood and kept reciting this verse in a loud voice: And Muhammad was not a Messenger.

Then Ibn Qamiyyah killed him with a spear. Seeing Hazrat Musab bin Umair Ali and those who resembled Hazrat Al-Aqdas falling on the ground, the infidels shouted that (Mu’adh Allah) Hazrat Tajdar was killed by two scholars. Allahu Akbar! This voice was angry. Hearing this, the Muslims became completely confused and confused and left the battlefield and started running away. The feet of the great heroes were uprooted and among the Muslims. There were three groups. Some people ran away and reached near Medina. Some people have a dead heart

went They stayed where they were. Keep saving your life or keep fighting. Some people, numbering about twelve, remained firm with the word of the Messenger of Allah. This ha chall and stampede Many people gave up completely, and those who wanted to fight with John Shari were also trapped in the two-pronged attacks of the enemy and forced to retreat. Where are the works from Tajdar two scholars and are they in a hall? No one was aware of this, Hazrat Ali used to wield the sword and destroy the ranks of the enemies. But they used to turn around and look at the Holy Prophet (PBUH), but they were in a state of great anxiety and restlessness due to not seeing the beauty of Prophethood. Hazrat Anas, his uncle, Hazrat Anas bin Nazr (a.s.) went a little further from the battlefield and saw that some Muslims threw down their weapons in despair. Hazrat Anas bin Nazr al-Mari, peace be upon him, asked what are you doing sitting here? People replied that what will we do now by fighting? Those for whom they fought became martyrs. Hazrat Anas bin Nazr (Alaihi) said, “If you have indeed been martyred by the Messenger of God, then what will we do if we remain alive after him?” Let us also become martyrs in the same field and reach them. Saying this, he entered the enemy’s army fighting and fought till the end with the utmost zeal and courage. Even martyred. After the battle was over, when his body was seen, there were more than eighty sword, arrow and spear wounds on his body. The infidels made their bodies into sieves and cut off their noses, ears, etc., until the Muslims cut off their fingers.

He recognized them.

The war was going on and the people of Nisar Islam were busy fighting wherever they were. But everyone’s eyes were looking for the beauty of Prophethood with great restlessness. In the midst of utter despair, the first person who saw the beauty of the work of Tajdar Two Scholars was Hazrat Ka’b bin Malik or the blessed eyes of Allah. Called that O Muslims! Come here, Messenger of God, what is this? On hearing this voice, all the souls died and the Muslims started running from all sides. Emphasized. The army of the infidels joined forces with the crowd and repeatedly invaded Madani to Jadar (), but with the lightning of Zulfiqar, this cloud was destroyed.

He would go away.

Injuring the Holy Prophet:

In the midst of confusion and anxiety, while the scattered Muslims had not yet gathered near the work of the Most Merciful, Abdullah bin Qamiyyah, who was very famous among the brave men of Quraysh, saw you from the Holy Prophet. At once he came tearing through the ranks like lightning and launched a murderous attack from Tajdar Two Scholars. The tyrant took it with all his strength and struck the sword on Anwar’s face, with which two links of his body touched Anwar’s face. He took the other’s fur and threw such a stone on the face of the Holy Prophet. In this situation, Abi bin Khalaf the cursed rode his horse and proceeded with the intention of killing him. From Huzur Aqdas, we took a small spear from one of our shar Mohali Harith Bin Sama Ali Anhu and hit it on the neck of Abi Bin Khalaf. He was shocked. He got a very minor wound on his neck and ran away. But he went to his army and started showing his pain and distress to the people about his neck wound and started complaining of immense unbearable pain. On this, his colleagues said that it is a minor scratch. Why are you so worried? He said that you people do not know that once I told Muhammad that I will kill you. So it’s still a wound. I believe that even if they spit on me, I would take something My death is Beni.

It is related that Abi Khalaf raised a horse in Makkah. Whom he named Aur. He used to steal it every day and used to say to people that I will ride on this horse and kill Kalam from Muhammad. When the Messenger of God came to know about this, he said, “If Allah wills, I will kill you.” So Abi bin Khalaf came to the battle of Uhud on his same horse when this incident happened. Abi bin Khalaf was incapacitated by a spear wound

It was full of water and bubbling. Even while returning from the battle of Uhud, he died in Maqam Saraf. Similarly, Ibn Qamiyyah, the accursed, who had thrown a sword at Anwar from the direction of the Holy Prophet. A mountain goat was imposed on him by God Qahar and Jabbar and He struck him with a horn bar and threw him down from the height of the mountain, breaking his body into pieces

Scattered on the ground.

The presence of the Companions is a shield for work:-

When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) became obligatory, the infidels from all sides started attacking him with arrows and swords, and the crowd of infidels began to attack him from all four sides, so that he was surrounded by the infidels. . Seeing this scene, the enthusiasm of Jan Nisar’s companions started to open the blood of Jan Nisari and he put his head on a bag and jumped into the fire of this battle to save the column for you and made a circle around the work for you. Hazrat Abu Dujana bowed down to fight and he became a shield for the good work and he kept taking the swords that were raining from all around on his back and did not let any sword or spear reach the mark of him. Hazrat Talha Ali Allah’s Jan Nisari knew that he would hold the swords of the infidels in his own hands.

But used to stop. Even one of his hands was amputated and thirty-five or so on his body Forty-nine wounds were inflicted on Jaan Nisar. The Companions did not care for their lives in the protection of Huzoor Hai QM and continued to fight with such bravery and determination that no example can be found in the history of the world. Hazrat Abu Talha Milli, who was famous for shooting, shot so many arrows on this occasion that many bows broke. He had put Huzoor’s work behind his back. So that no enemy’s arrows or swords can be used against you. Sometimes, if you would raise your neck to see the enemy’s army, Hazrat Talha would say, O Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), my parents should not raise their necks from you. Do not let any arrow of the enemies hit you. O Messenger of Allah! You have my back

Stay behind. My breast is shielded from you for work.

Hazrat Qatadah bin Numan Ansari Ali showed his face in front of the enemies to save Anwar. Suddenly, an arrow from the infidels hit the eye of the unbeliever and the eye flowed down to his face. By the Holy Prophet, we lifted his eye with our blessed hand and placed it in the eye circle and prayed like this: O Allah! Save the eye of the ruler who has saved the face of your Messenger. It is known that that eye of his is brighter than the other eye

And it has become beautiful

Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas Ali was also very skilled in shooting. They were also quickly shooting arrows in defense of work from Hazrat Anwar

He used to shake hands with his blessed hands and give them to them and used to say, Saad! You go shoot arrows

But my parents sacrificed.

The cruel infidels are very cruel, but the arrows were raining. But this

At that time, there was this prayer on the blessed language of the Holy Prophet: فـرْ قومِيــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــرــــــــــرـــــــــــــــــ, for they do not know. Lord, forgive.

That is, O Allah, forgive my people, they do not know me.

Dandan Mubarak’s shock from Huzur Aqdas and Anwar’s face were covered with wounds. In this situation, these things from you fell into one of the pits that Abu Amir Fasiq dug and hid them, so that the Muslims fell inside these pits in Al-Aalami. It was from Hazrat Ali that we took the blessed hand of work for you and Hazrat Talha bin Abdullah Lee raised the people from you. Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah Bili himself took out a ring of the chain (iron cap) which was stuck in the face of Anwar with his teeth and Hazrat Malik bin Sinan Raylia, the father of Hazrat Abu Saeed Khudri Raylia, accepted it with enthusiasm. Kama’s blood was sucked up and he did not let a single drop of it fall on the ground. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: O Malik bin Sinan! Did you drink my blood, he said yes. Or the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Whoever drinks my blood, what kind of hell can touch him? In this situation, the Prophet along with his followers climbed to the height of the mountain where it was difficult for the infidels to jump. Abu Sufyan saw it and started climbing the mountain with his army. But Hazrat Umar Li and other companions of the world threw stones at the infidels with such force that Abu Sufyan

He could not bear it and got down from the mountain.

Hazrat Aqdas was visiting with some of his companions in a mountain gorge and Anwar’s face was bleeding. Hazrat Ali (Alaihi) used to fill his shield full of water. Hazrat Fatima was poisoned or was washing blood from her hands, but the blood did not stop. Finally, a piece of palm mat was shaken and its ashes were placed on the wound and the bleeding stopped immediately. Abu Sufyan’s motto and its answer:-

When Abu Sufyan began to return from the battlefield, he climbed a hill and shouted loudly, “What is Muhammad Slay here?” The Holy Prophet said, “You people should not answer him.” Then he called out, “Is there Abu Bakr among you?” When he didn’t get any answer, Abu Sufyan arrogantly said that all of them are dead, because if they were alive, they would have answered me. Hearing this, Hazrat Umar could not be restrained from argument and Aap Daliya shouted that his enemy God is a liar.

We are all alive.

Abu Sufyan, boasting of his victory, shouted, “Aal Habal”, meaning, “O I, lift up your head.” If so, raise your head. The Holy Prophet (SAW) said to us, the Sahaba, that you should also raise slogans in response to this. People asked what should we say? He said: “You people should shout this slogan: ‘Allah ala wa ajl’ means Allah is the highest and the greatest.” Abu Sufyan said: “Lana al-Uzza wal-la-Uzza lakum” means that for us there is an idol and there is no Arabic for you.

ولا مولي لكم means Allah is our helper and you have no helper.

Abu Sufyan loudly announced with great pride that today is the revenge and answer to the day of Badr in battle sometimes victory sometimes defeat. O Muslims! Today, our army has cut off the ears and noses of your victims and disfigured their faces, but I neither ordered it, nor have I felt any sorrow or regret over it. Say this from Abu Sufyan Maidan

Turned away and walked away.

In order to avenge the battle of Badr, the women of the infidel Quraysh went to the dead bodies of the martyrs and cut off their ears, noses, etc. He put it in his throat. India was looking for the holy body of Hazrat Hamza Lee because it was Hazrat Hamza Ali who killed the father of students of India on the day of Badr battle. When this beggar brought up Hazrat Hamza Lia’s dead body, he tore open his stomach with a dagger and took out his kidney and covered it. But could not get off the throat. That’s why Agal Daya, the name of India in history, which is liver-eating, is based on this incident. Hind and her husband Abu Sufyan accepted Islam on the day of the conquest of Mecca in Ramadan 8 Hijri.

Will of Saad bin Al-Rabi:-

It is narrated by Hazrat Zayd bin Thabit Ali Allah that I went in search of the dead body of Hazrat Saad bin Al Rabi Ali Allah with the order of the Holy Prophet, so I found him in the world of Sukrat. He said to me that you ask the Messenger of Allah to submit my Islam to the people and after the greetings to your people, he conveyed my message that as long as there is even one person among you alive, if the disbelievers go to the end of the Messenger of Allah’s prayer, God will Your excuse will not be acceptable in the court of This said and his soul

The flight was over.

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