Fasting and Taraweeh: Illuminating the Nights and Days of Ramadan

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Fasting and Taraweeh

These two are the most important acts of worship in Ramadan, which make the days and nights of Ramadan fragrant and enlightening Ramadan is lit up with these two acts of worship, these two are the most important acts of worship that make the year of Ramadan auspicious. It is very prominent from other months. The individual merits of each worship of fasting and Taraweeh have been described in many hadiths, here are some common virtues.


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

Fasting and the Qur’an will intercede for the servant, fasting will say: O Lord! I restrained him from eating and indulging his desires during the day, accepting my intercession.

The Holy Qur’an will say:

I prevented him from sleeping at night, accept my intercession for him, then both intercessions will be accepted. (Sha’b al-Ayman: 1839) announced the forgiveness of all previous sins for those who fast Ramadan and organized taraweeh with faith and the intention of reward and reward.

has gone (Bukhari: 2009-2014)

In another hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Allah has written for you fasting, and He has prescribed it for you This is the month in which Allah has made fasting obligatory upon you. And I have revealed its Qiyaam (i.e. Taraweeh) for you, so whoever in the month of Ramadhan in a state of faith with the intention of reward and reward. If he fasted and recited Taraweeh, he would get rid of his sins like that day

The day his mother gave birth to him. (Ibn Majah: 1328) In a tradition, the one who organizes fasting and Taraweeh is called Siddiqueen and

He has been counted among the martyrs. So it is mentioned in the hadith: A person came to the Prophet (PBUH) and asked him: O Messenger of Allah! If I witness Tawheed and Prophethood, pray five prayers, fast in Ramadan, recite Taraweeh in Ramadan, and pay Zakat, what do you say about me? The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Whoever died doing these things was among the righteous and the martyrs.”

He is one of the righteous and the martyrs. (Sahih Ibn Khuzima: 2212)

Recitation of the Holy Quran:

Ramadan is the month of the Holy Quran, Allah revealed the Holy Quran in this month, but other heavenly books were also revealed in this blessed month.

have happened (Al-Tabarani average: 3740) This month was introduced by Allah the Almighty in the Qur’an, thus he said: (The month of Ramadan in which the Qur’an was revealed) is the month of Ramadan.

It is the one in which the Qur’an was revealed. (Al-Baqarah: 185. Simple translation) Therefore, this month has a very deep connection with the Holy Quran, and this is the reason why the most Holy Quran is read in this month compared to the whole year and should be read because “of the Holy Quran

As it is a “month”, its right also becomes the same.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to recite the Holy Quran along with Hazrat Gabriel Amin (AS). (Bukhari: 6) Salaf Salihin also frequently in this month

It has been a habit to read the Holy Quran.

Arrangement of prayers:

Mother Madan is a special month of acceptance of supplications, in this month, during the day and night, at dawn and iftar, in the blessed and blessed nights.

Prayers should be organized well, according to the hadith:

One who prays in Ramadan is not deprived. (Tabarani average: 6170) The supplication of a fasting person is not rejected. (Musnad Ahmad: 10183)

Angels say Amen to the supplications of the fasting people. (Sha’b al-Ayman: 3445) This is the reason why the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) himself has organized prayers in Ramadan and has also urged his Ummah to do the same.

Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa says:

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, changed his complexion when Ramadan entered, and his prayers increased, when Ramadan came, the color of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) would change, his prayers would increase, and he would make jaggery in his supplications.

Fear would have fallen on Allah (peace be upon him). (Sha’b al-Ayman: 3353)

Abundance of Charity ( Sadqa):

An important act in the deeds of Ramadan is the abundance of “sadaqa wa kiraat”, and this is the way of the Holy Prophet. The generosity of the Prophet (PBUH) continued like this throughout the year, but other actions in Ramadan

Like, the generosity of the Holy Prophet also increased. (Bukhari: 6)

Hazrat Sayyid Na Abdullah Bin Abbas says: When the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, entered the month of Ramadan, he released all the captives and gave all the beggars. In the olden days, when Ramadan entered, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) freed every prisoner

He used to do and bless every questioner. (Sha’b al-Ayman: 3357) On one occasion, the Prophet (peace be upon him) was asked which is the best charity. He (peace be upon him) said: Sadaqah in Ramadan.

Charity to be given in Ramadan. (Tirmidhi: 663)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) blessed the poor and the poor in the month of Ramadan

It has been declared as the month of grieving with the needy, so he said: شهر المواساة‎ means Ramadan is the month of grieving with the poor.

It is the month. (Sha’b al-Ayman: 3336)

Arrangement of multiple mentions:

Remembrance of God is the best practice to make the hours of Ramadan precious and to gain the value of its days, which is as little as possible. Fasting and wasting time in useless activities or sitting idle Instead of doing this, while walking, getting up, sitting, sleeping, waking up, or working, one should keep one’s tongue busy in the remembrance of Allah so that time becomes precious, fasting is also accepted at a high level, and Ramadan is also accepted.

can be properly appreciated.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

Remembering Allah in Ramadan

The person is forgiven. (Tabrani Average: 6170)

Itikaf of the last decade:

A very precious and great practice of this holy month is the “practice of retreat” which is a perpetual Sunnah of the Holy Prophet. Hazrat Aisha

Siddiqa (may Allah be pleased with her) says:

He used to rest in the last ten days of Ramadan until he died.

Hazrat Ibn Shahab Zahri (may Allah have mercy on him) says:

It’s amazing how the people left I’tikaf and the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to do things and leave them كافَ حّتّى قبيضَ “People wonder how they abandon I’tikaf to Allah, even though the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to do something and sometimes did it. used to abandon it, but the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) never abandoned it until his death. (Maruqi al-Falah: 268)

Finding Shab Qadr:

Among the acts and acts of worship of Ramadan, one of the most important acts of worship is to seek and search for a great and blessed night like the night of Qadr, which is better than a thousand months, because by keeping it hidden and hidden, its It has been ordered to search, which also creates a demand for it, as well as the blessing of searching for it, one gets the honor of worshiping in other nights of Ramadan as well, and the servant has the taste and desire to achieve Lailatul-Qadr. Interest is also expressed. And seeking and searching for this Night of Qadr is the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet himself, he spent a whole month in itikaaf in search of it. Thus, it is mentioned in the hadith that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) performed I’tikaf in the first ten days of Ramadan, then in the middle ten days also he performed it’ikaf in Turkish tents, then he took out his blessed head from the tent.

He said:

In the first ten days I sought Allah, then in the middle ten days, I came, and he said to me: It is in the Ten

The last, so whoever among you loves to retreat, then he will retreat.

I did I’tikaf in the first decade of Ramadan to find the Night of Qadr, then I did I’tikaf in the middle decade, then an angel came to me and told me that the Night of Qadr is in the last decade, so those who are doing I’tikaf with me To do itikaaf for the last ten years also

should (Muslim: 1167)

He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has also taught and exhorted his Ummah

That they should search for the night of Qadr, as it is in the hadith: Taharwa Lailat al-Qadr in al-Watr, min al-Ashr al-Awakhir min Ramzan Lailat al-Qadr (Night of Qadr) in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan.

Search. (Bukhari: 2017)

In this hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ordered to search for the night of Qadr, and secondly, for our convenience, instead of the whole month, he should describe only the odd nights of the last ten days. In other words, it is as if one has to find the Night of Qadr in only five (21, 23, 25, 27, 29) nights of the year, so how difficult is it to find this blessed and great night? Therefore, in the last ten years and especially on its odd nights, one should look for Shab Qadr with great care and express one’s neediness as much as possible.

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